How Important is it That My Masters in Human Resources Program be Accredited?

Human resources is a growing field that can encompass everything from hiring employees to the on-going training of employees. If you are interested in entering a field where you can specialize in one of many different specialties, the very first step is to earn your Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources or a related field like business. After you earn this lower-level degree, you will need to expand your opportunities by earning an advanced graduate degree in Human Resources with a specific concentration. As you start to compare different M.A. in Human Resources, you will discover that there are more than just a handful of options that you can choose from.

When you make a list of HR programs that are offered by online schools and brick-and-mortar universities, you will find that some schools offer accredited HR programs and others offer programs that are not accredited. While the non-accredited programs may be inexpensive, choosing this route could cost you a great deal of time and money in the long run. Read on and learn why it is important to choose a Master’s degree Human Resources program that has an accreditation.

What is a School and a Programmatic Accreditation?

Schools can earn a regional accreditation and programs that are offered by post-secondary schools can earn their own programmatic accreditation. One thing that you must understand is that an accreditation is a credential that shows that the school or the program has gone through a voluntary accrediting and quality assurance process to assess standards and performance. When a school has a institutional accreditation from a regional body, this means that the agency has granted the credential on a temporary basis because the school has met the agency’s standards.

When a Human Resources program is accredited, this means that a specialized agency that oversees only graduate level HR programs has reviewed curriculum and performance and granted a specialized credential to only the program. While there is more than one body, the Global Accreditation and Certification Council is a popular council that governs the standards of HR programs. These credentials, while they are recognized by the Department of Education, are not granted by the Department in any way. As you look for professional bodies that set the standards, make sure that these schools are reputable.

In What Ways Can Accreditation Help You?

Quality of education is important, but you should be able to tell if you are getting what you pay for within the first semester of a Master’s degree HR program. There are many reasons why you should avoid any programs without a specialized accreditation. A major reason is that the HR credits that you earn may not be transferable if you would like to earn a more advanced degree later in your life. If you are earning a M.S. for promotional purposes, there is a chance that your employer will not consider your graduate degree if the program is not accredited. Having proof of accreditation can really help you market yourself when applying for a promotion or a new position.

Take time to find out which Human Resources programs are accredited before you enroll. By doing this, you will have peace of mind in knowing that you will get what you pay for from the graduate program. After you finish the program, you will be happy you did the research.

Additional Reading:  Ranking of the 10 Best Online Masters in Human Resources Management (MSHR)