What is Outplacement?

In the process of breaking ties with any organization, one of the most essential factors that an employee will have to consider is their plan for transitioning into a new place of employment. In some cases, the organization that formally employed the exiting employee will provide funds for an advisory service to train them in transitional strategies.

Outplacement is system of support that is intended to aid workers who are both voluntarily and involuntarily exiting their organization and need to secure a new stream of steady income in employment, proprietorship, or retirement.


Outplacement services are a combination of actionable pointers and organized resources that participants can use to develop practical strategies. In addition to the training materials and the directly-provided advice, programs generally also offer a series of hands-on workshops that participants can use to familiarize themselves with the most beneficial practices and problem-solving protocols.

Some of the targeted areas of focus that the program will share with its participants include matters such as prudent job market targeting techniques, how to properly prepare for interviews, the most successful techniques for efficient networking, and how to conduct successful negotiations.


As a term, outplacement was originally created by the Challenger, Gray & Christmas consultancy firm. During a period of rising rates of organizational downsizing during the 80s and 90s, there was a more pronounced need for exiting employees to be given a viable support system after finding themselves without work.

For the first time, instead of being devastated by the higher frequency of layoffs, employees were given systematically established tools to lower the height of the hurdle and gain a more positive future employment outlook overall.

Different Participants And Distinct Benefits

While the majority of participants in the program will be interested in getting a new steady flow of income, the program is also applicable to the ambitions of exiting employees who are more interested in starting their own independent businesses. In addition to those who are concerned with finding out how to continue earning an income, services are also offered to those who are simply looking to retire.

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In all scenarios, participants are given a much more stable knowledge base of ways to handle their transition than those from any organization with no such resources offered to its workforce. As a direct result of ensuring that exiting employees are able to easily maintain themselves with the company’s help, those who remain employed are given higher morale as well.

Stress Management

In addition to the practical benefit of simply having more actionable knowledge about how to secure employment, these support services can also potentially give some exiting employees a life-saving reduction of stress.

As the abrupt loss of a job can be one of the most stressful things that any person can experience, being more secure in one’s chances of employment after a sudden exit from the organization can be an essential support beam for both in-house and exiting employees’ mental health.


Ideally, after completing the training program, the exiting employee should have a well-rounded base of practical skills that they can use to leverage their opportunities for continued employment.

While the program does not directly place its participants directly in a new organization that they’re interested in, it can potentially teach the exiting employee what their best prospects are and the most realistic course of action that can be taken toward getting closer to them.