Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Student Chapters

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is one of the largest associations for human resource professionals in the world. It has been said that it is also the largest association of professional people in the world. Its membership consists of people working in human resources departments. Members benefit from education provided by the association, certification exams provided through the HR Certification Institute, networking, and the access to job descriptions and other templates. SHRM publishes the HR Magazine and a monthly online newsletter, and offers an online forum, HR Talk, which is a bulletin board where members can discuss human resources issues. One of their biggest benefits to members is their career center listing of jobs in the human resources field.

Student Chapters of SHRM

Student membership in SHRM entitles students to all of these features, but does not automatically enroll a student in their campus student chapter of SHRM. There are over 450 student chapters on campuses across the United States with a total membership of over 15,000 students. The organization and activities of student chapters differ significantly from the parent organization in many ways. Each student chapter is sponsored by a local regular membership chapter, and has a chapter president, a chapter advisor and regular SHRM members from the sponsoring chapter, in addition to the students. Student chapters hold regular meetings to which they invite guest speakers from the business and human resources world. Student members benefit by expanding their knowledge of what human resources professionals do, by networking with students from other chapters and local human resources practitioners, and by social interactions. Events scheduled by local student chapters might include company tours, conferences, and student internships. The student could also hold fundraising drives, and have workshops on resume-writing and interviewing techniques. In addition, the student chapter can compete against other student chapters in the 2013-1014 Merit Awards Program. The reporting period for activities carried out by the chapter is from April 1 through March 31 and all activities must be reported by the closing date of March 31st. Planning Workbooks can be obtained through SHRM. SHRM also offers the Advisor of the Year Award, so if chapter members really like the chapter advisor, the chapter should apply for this one on the advisor’s behalf. Scholarships are also available through SHRM.

Membership in student chapters of SHRM will provide the student with greater insight into their chosen career, as well as the opportunity to network with other student and professionals in the field. Upon graduation the student can contact SHRM and arrange to convert their student membership to a regular membership. This organization offers tremendous benefits to both regular members and student members. Students interested in a career in human resources management should definitely look into joining their local student chapter of SHRM. A listing of student chapters by state can be found below.

SHRM Student Chapters by State
